January 30, 2008

Quiz on Islam

A couple days ago, I created a quiz on Facebook regarding introductory information on Islam. You can either take the quiz here and see how well you did now, or try your luck on my blog. The degree of difficulty for this quiz is, IMO, rather easy, even for non-Muslims (Muslims should get 100%). I'll put the answers up in the comment section in a day or two, insha'allah.

Question #1: Which of the following is not one of the five pillars of Islam:
a) Fasting
b) Hajj
c) Jihad
d) Prayer

Question #2: Muslims fast during the month of:
a) Shawwal
b) Muharram
c) Rajab
d) Ramadan

Question #3: Muhammad (pbuh) was originally from which town:
a) Makkah (Mecca)
b) Medina
c) Ta'if
d) Yathrib

Question #4: The Islamic calendar begins with which event:
a) The year of Muhammad's (pbuh) birth
b) The year Muhammad (pbuh) received his first revelation
c) The Hijrah
d) The year of Muhammad's (pbuh) death

Question #5: The Qur'an was revealed to Muhammad (pbuh) over a period of:
a) One day
b) Thirteen years
c) Twenty-three years
d) Thirty years

Question #6: The name of the angel who revealed the Qur'an to Muhammad (pbuh) was:
a) Jibril (Gabriel)
b) Mikail (Michael)
c) Israfil (Raphael)
d) Izra'il (Azrael)

Question #7: Ritual prayer in Islam is known as:
a) Shahadah
b) Salat
c) Zakat
d) Sawm

Question #8: Muslims must pray how many times a day?
a) Once
b) Three times
c) Five times
d) Seven times

Question #9: Which of the following groups is not considered Muslim?
a) Sunni
b) Sufi
c) Baha'i
d) Shia

Question #10: The Arabic term for Islamic law is:
a) Fiqh
b) Jihad
c) Shari'ah
d) Khalifah

1 comment:

JDsg said...

Correct answers:
1. C, Jihad
2. D, Ramadan
3. A, Makkah
4. C, The Hijrah
5. C, Twenty-three years
6. A, Jibril (Gabriel)
7. B, Salat
8. C, Five times
9. C, Baha'i
10. C, Shari'ah

1. Some people, both Muslims and non-Muslims, consider jihad to be the "sixth pillar" of Islam, but it is not considered by any to be part of the five pillars.

2. I expected this question to be fairly easy even for non-Muslims, considering how fasting during Ramadan gets a lot of MSM press at that time of year.

3. Muhammad (pbuh) migrated from Makkah (Mecca) to Medina. Ta'if is located near Makkah and the Prophet (pbuh) did try to get the people there to accept him prior to his emigration to Medina. Yathrib is the original name for Medina, so that was a bit of a trick question. ;)

4. The Hijrah, the emigration of the Muslims from Makkah to Yathrib, is considered the defining event for the start of the new Muslim community, and was named by the second Caliph, Umar, to be the starting point of the Islamic calendar.

5. The revelations began when Muhammad (pbuh) was 40 and ended a few months before his death, when he was 63.

6. Muslims believe that each angel has been assigned a role by Allah (swt). Jibril's role is to bring revelation down to mankind. Mikail is the angel of mercy; Israfil is the angel who will blow a horn to signal the arrival of the Day of Judgment, and Izra'il is the angel of death. (Several other angels are mentioned in the Qur'an.)

7. The shahadah is the Muslim creed, our statement of faith; zakat is the paying of alms to the poor, while sawm is fasting. Salat is the ritual prayer...

8. ...Muslims are supposed to do five times daily. I figured this question would be the easiest for everyone.

9. There is a link between Islam and the Baha'i's, the latter being an off-shoot of the Shias in Iran. However, their beliefs have differed significantly from Islam, so they are not considered Muslims by the rest of us.

10. This one I thought might be tricky. Jihad, of course, means "struggle," while Khalifah is the Arabic word for Caliph, the leader of the Muslims (a post currently vacant). Fiqh (pronounced "fee-kay") is Islamic jurisprudence; Sharia'ah is Islamic law. Obviously, Fiqh and Shari'ah are closely inter-connected.