I'm going to end this week with a "bookend," another song used on the TV series Battlestar Galactica. Here in S'pore, we're still watching the second season's episodes; however, I had read a few weeks ago that Bear McCreary, who's in charge of the music for the series, had come up with a very unique cover of the Bob Dylan song, All Along the Watchtower. Wow! I love it!
Unfortunately, once again, the version I really wanted to use isn't available for embedding; however, you can watch that video here. In its place, I'm using another video that has a static picture. But who cares? Just press the play button and be amazed at this very cool version of the song. :)
This week's theme is going to be a little bit different. I thought I'd take original songs that were later incorporated into movie or television soundtracks.
We're starting off this week with Philip Glass's Metamorphosis One. This song was performed by Bruce Brubaker, and is featured on the episode Valley of Darkness from the TV series Battlestar Galactica. Unfortunately, a video showing how the music was incorporated into the episode can't be embedded; however, you can watch it here. The video clip below has only a static picture; however, the music is beautiful enough that you can begin playing the video and go do other things on other tabs while you listen to the music. :)
My new love (television-wise) is the "reimagining" of Battlestar Galactica. The local cable company recently started playing the SciFi channel and, with our HubStation (a TiVo-like device), I've got almost all of the first season's episodes recorded. However, if you'd like to catch up on what's gone on in the first three seasons of the series, be sure to check out this eight-minute video. And be sure to listen very carefully; she talks really, really fast.