Showing posts with label Muslim American Society. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Muslim American Society. Show all posts

February 17, 2011

Why Aren't Democrats Doing Health Care?

Last week, I published a comment about the Muslim Brotherhood (MB) that discussed the MB's social services to Egyptians and wondered why the Democratic Party in the United States wasn't doing something similar:

I see groups like the MB, CAIR, MAS, etc., as organizations working for the greater good of humanity. The Democratic party in the US could learn a thing or two from the MB and their feet-on-the-ground social services. (Americans need health care? Why haven't the Democrats started up free or low-cost clinics for these people? Don't they think these people won't remember on election day?)

Yesterday, I received an e-mail from the Muslim American Society (MAS) featuring an article in the Gainesville Sun that was originally published on February 9th. The article is about a free medical clinic that the Gainesville Muslim community is setting up (opening on the 26th) that will provide primary and preventative medicine, insha'allah, to adults and children, regardless of race, religion or ethnicity. The clinic is being run by volunteers and paid for through donations.

Now, rhetorical questions I would ask of my fellow Democrats are: Do you think this clinic will become popular with the local community? Do you think the Muslim community in Gainesville will benefit from a PR-perspective by opening this clinic? Do you think the Democratic Party, which is much better funded than a small group of Muslims, would benefit with electoral support if they were to help fund/run these types of clinics nationwide? (Even if these clinics were not run or funded directly by the DNC, they could be run through a foundation created by the DNC, as Singapore's dominant political party, the People's Action Party (PAP), does with their charitable foundation.)

July 27, 2010

Are Muslims Organized to Resist Bigotry?

There was an interesting comment over at Daily Kos on a diary that discussed the Cordoba House community center and mosque (the so-called "Ground Zero Mosque"). Here is the original comment:

I wish Muslims were organized to resist bigotry
I don't think they realized the importance of political engagement or are simply unprepared to deal with this level of discrimination that came after 9/11. It is time they learned from the civil rights movements and get very active. The fact this bigotry is tolerated demonstrates how much bigotry our media is willing to propagate at the expense of those who don't loudly resist.

And this is my response:

It's not that Muslims aren't organized to resist bigotry or that we don't realize the importance of political engagement. On the contrary, there are several organizations that engage in both of these aspects every day, including CAIR and MAS among others. Could these organizations do a better job than they are now? I'm sure they would say "yes," along with a request for more manpower and money.

But let's be realistic here: the real issue is not the Muslim community's level of organization vis-a-vis bigotry, it's the level of bigotry among non-Muslims. And the real problem there is that these types of attitudes, once set, rarely change. There are a number of Islamophobes here at Kos who one might think would change their opinions and attitudes toward Islam and Muslims after participating in so many discussions on these topics, but I have yet to see any evidence that those attitudes have changed at all. They have had the opportunity to learn about Islam and the Muslim world, they have discussed Islam and the Muslim world with a number of different Muslims here at Kos, but there is no change. They continue to sputter in their rage against Islam.

If the 2008 presidential campaign and the Obama presidency have shown anything, it is that racism never died out. The success of the civil rights movement may have caused racists to lower their profile in the 70s and 80s, but their attitudes never went away. They were the true sleeper cells within American society. Muslims have been doing their part to resist bigotry and to organize politically, but I don't ever expect Islamophobia to ever go away in American society. For that to happen, American would need to revert en masse to Islam. Not that that couldn't happen; it's done so with a number of different cultures before, but I'm not holding my breath until that time.

March 21, 2008

I am a Muslim!

Alhamdulillah! This video is actually one of six nominee videos for the "Inspirational" category for Youtube's 2007 Video Awards. Unfortunately, it didn't win; still, good job, guys!

November 15, 2007

Update to "LAPD Announces Muslim Mapping Project"


Five days ago, I wrote about how the Los Angeles Police Department was trying to map "likely terrorist breeding grounds in Muslim areas" of LA. I just received an e-mail from the Muslim American Society which announced that the LAPD has canceled the mapping project:

A police plan to map out Muslim communities, a proposal that civil rights groups sharply criticized as racial and religious profiling, has been shelved, a police spokeswoman said Wednesday.

The LAPD planned to have its counterterrorism bureau identify Muslim enclaves to determine which might be likely to become isolated and susceptible to "violent, ideologically based extremism."

Several Muslim groups and the American Civil Liberties Union of Southern California criticized the plan and sent a letter to Deputy Chief Michael P. Downing expressing their concerns.

"There was a clear message from the Muslim community that they were not comfortable with it. So we listened," said Mary Grady, spokeswoman for the Los Angeles Police Department. She couldn't immediately say when the plan might resume.

Grady said the remaining part of the initiative, which includes outreach efforts to strengthen ties with Muslim communities, would continue, and police planned to meet with Muslim leaders Thursday.


There are an estimated 500,000 Muslims in Los Angeles, Orange and Riverside counties.

March 6, 2006

Visiting a Mosque

The following is from an e-mail I received today from MAS-Arizona. The essay is written by a Christian minister who recently visited the Islamic Community Center of Tempe when they held an open house for the community. I'm putting this post up partly because of my pride in this masjid (it was where I first made shahadah), but also because I appreciated this minister's open-mindedness, which shows quite clearly in his writing.

The Minaret of the Islamic Cultural Center of TempeVISITING A MOSQUE
By Tom Compton

My friend Chuck called to ask me if I'd like to go with him to an open house at a mosque in Tempe, AZ. Having never been in a mosque, I thought that it would be an interesting experience but wondered if I would need a bullet proof vest or an assault rifle to protect myself during the visit. After all, haven't we been warned by numerous government and Christian leaders that the Muslims are out to create a holy war against us infidels?

We parked our shoes on the ground floor of the mosque and walked up to the second floor into the prayer and worship room. There were about 50 visitors in attendance plus members of the mosque who filtered in during the open house portion of the service. After the open house, their regular Friday night service would be conducted. It was easy to spot the visitors because they were sitting in chairs. It was explained that during the service and prayer time the flock was either standing, sitting or bowing down on the floor. The men are in the front and the women in the rear with a curtain that could be drawn by the women if they wanted privacy.

The Imam, the Islamic equivalent of a pastor or priest, was giving a Power Point presentation on the fundamental beliefs of Islam. Part way through the presentation, the Imam said that they would break for a brief prayer session and we were invited to observe how this part of their worship is conducted. Muslims are required to pray 5 times a day, this one lasted about 10 minutes. A group of more than a dozen men came to the front to participate in the prayers. The chanting and prayers were in Arabic but there seemed to be a similarity to a Catholic worship service in that both services are composed of ritual elements.

The Imam continued with a discussion on the life of Muhammad and other prophets they recognize and revere: Abraham, Moses and Jesus. Interestingly, the Imam said that they recognized that Jesus was born of the Virgin Mary with no earthly father. It seems curious to me that because of Jesus' uniqueness ascribed by Muslims that He should receive a higher status in Islam than he does. The Imam said Muslims recognize Mohammad as the last prophet of Allah (God) but claim not to worship him. Judaism doesn't recognize Jesus, but the Muslims do. Does this mean that followers of Mohammad are closer to God than those of Judaism?

Exterior of the Islamic Cultural Center of TempeNext, the Imam opened the floor for questions. The Imam and a woman who he identified as "his boss" meaning she was a layman from the mosque congregation, fielded the questions. One person asked about the apparent unequal treatment of women as exhibited by the women sitting in the back of the mosque and other examples demonstrated in the Muslim world.

It was explained by the Imam that because of the frequent bowing down during the service that having women in the front could be a distraction to the men worshippers who are to be focusing on Allah.

A statement by Muhammad sheds some light on the subject: "O People: It is true that you have certain rights in regard to your women, but they also have rights over you. Remember that you have taken them as your wives, only under God's trust and with His permission...Do treat your women well and be kind to them, for they are your partners and committed helpers..."

Another visitor asked about the Islamic "Jihad" against Christians and if Muslims were committed to the destruction of infidels. It was explained by the Imam and the other lady that Jihad is not a word that just translates into "war". Its meaning could be better defined as "a struggle against something." Another person wanted to know about all the killing done by Muslims. The Imam said that their religion does not condone killing. In the Imam's accompanying notes to his presentation, a quotation attributed to the Prophet Muhammad's last sermon is noteworthy: "All mankind is from Adam and Eve. An Arab has no superiority over a non-Arab nor does a non-Arab have any superiority over an Arab; also, a white has no superiority over a black, nor a black has any superiority over a white - except by piety and good action..."

Interior of the Islamic Cultural Center of TempeAnother visitor in the audience recounted that when her family was based in Turkey they were treated beautifully by the Muslims in that country.

There is no doubt that there are some Muslims who want to "get" us. But, as I pointed out in some general comments I made to the assembly: the United States was also guilty of killing millions of innocent people needlessly in the steady stream of serial wars that the U.S. fosters and perpetuates. I said that as a follower of Christ that I could see no justification for what the U.S. has done in Iraq. I pointed out that the war in Iraq was not legal because our Constitution does not give the President the power to declare war. Only Congress has been given the power to declare war. Also, I pointed out that our President claims he is a Christian. His actions are certainly at a variance to the teachings of Jesus. No wonder the world is so mixed up about what Christians say they believe and what they advocate. Applause originated from a number of the members of the mosque after making my comments.

Upon my sitting down, another visitor jumped up to strongly disagree with me and question my patriotism. He claimed that he was a veteran and had defended our freedom. Then, a number of the visitors applauded him. It is a sad commentary to think how the American public has been brainwashed to think of Muslims as a threat to us. Any honest person when reviewing the facts will see how dangerous the United States' policy of wars for "democracy" really is. Many Americans believe that the United States is somehow morally superior to anybody else on the planet and is the universal dispensing agent of truth and justice. Applying Jesus' directive to love your neighbor as yourself still sounds valid to me.

If you have a chance to visit a mosque, don't hesitate to do so. I felt warmly received during my visit. Compare this to downright animosity received on occasion from some of my "bloodthirsty brothers in Christ" when standing outside their churches holding a sign that simply says: "Choose Life, Not War."

Tom Compton is a co-founder of We Hold These Truths and Strait Gate Ministries.

May 2, 2005

Silence Perpetuates Violence

The following is an e-mail I recently received from the Muslim American Society. A very interesting portrait into the so-called "tolerance" of American society (multiple acts of vandalism, a police force that sits on its hands), and this in a blue state!

Alhamdulillah that I don't live in Revere as this poor family does!

(BOSTON) - When his car was vandalized for the fourth time, Lesley University security supervisor Sgt. Mohamed Kenawy could not tolerate this type of bigotry any more. So he kept his son and two daughters, ages 6, 10 and 12, from going to school and took them, with his wife, directly to the Revere Mayor's office, declaring, "If you can't guarantee our safety, we are going to live here in your office."

Sgt. Kenawy, his family and neighbors, had been the victims of hate crimes in their neighborhood for nearly five months, and it was time for it to come to an end.

In October of 2004, Sgt. Kenawy's wife and another neighbor's wife, both veiled, were sitting outside their homes in Revere when a couple of white youths shouted at them, "Go back to your f***ing country!"

Unbelievably, a few days later, the neighbor's wife was again victimized as her car was blocked by another vehicle, forcing her to sit, petrified and helpless, while a youth stood at her driver's side window shouting profanities at her. But this time, before the perpetrator's car could pull away the victim was able to get the license plate number of the vehicle. However, it wasn't long before long another verbal abuse incident occurred, and the victim was again able to obtain a license plate number. With the newly submitted license plate numbers, Sgt. Kenawy was at last relieved to learn that the Revere police would finally open an investigation.

However, the victims of these hate crimes didn't breathe easy for long. On November 2004, a neighbor's wife awoke to find that the family car had been savagely vandalized. The damage was so extensive that the insurance carrier categorized it as a total loss.

After the November incident, the media was finally alerted and a report on the vandalized vehicle was aired on Fox News. Despite the media attention, the investigation seemed to hit a dead end as Revere Police reported they were unable to track down the alleged perpetrators from the license plate numbers provided, stating that the numbers seemed to have been written down incorrectly on both incidents.

Unfortunately, Sgt. Kenawy would soon learn that the vandalization and harassment that he and his neighbors had been suffering through was not yet over. On January 8, 2005, Sgt. Kenawy found the rear driver's side window of his 1997 Dodge Caravan completely shattered, causing $400 in damage.

On January 11, 2005, one day before Sgt. Kenawy was scheduled to leave on a trip to perform Hajj (Pilgrimage to Makkah and Madina), and just after the repair work to his Caravan had been completed, the same window was once again broken out.

Needless to say, it was a very stressful time for Sgt. Kenawy to be leaving his family. He explained all the necessary precautions his wife should take in his absence, and as they parted he left her with the words, "May Allah be with you." It was with the heaviest of hearts that Sgt. Kenawy left for Makkah, but he tried not to let it show.

Sgt. Kenawy's fears for the safety of his family and personal property were affirmed on January 22, 2005, when he received word that his vehicle had been vandalized yet again. This time the damage to his vehicle was so extensive, including four windows and the windshield being completely broken out, that the damage came to approximately $9,000. Needless to say, the news of his family being victimized in his absence filled Sgt. Kenawy with even deeper anxiety.

Returning from his trip in early February, Sgt. Kenawy went straight to the Revere Police and Mayor's offices. He told officers at the police department, "If I pay you taxes to defend me and you tell me 'We don't know what to do', then give me your guns and I'll handle it." Sgt. Kenawy further addressed the Mayor, asking, "Do you want us to leave the country like they do, or are you going to do something about it?!"

At a loss for what else he could do to protect his family and property, Sgt. Kenawy also sought help from the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), in addition to contacting MAS Freedom Foundation - Boston, Public Affairs Coordinator Hamza Pelletier.

Sgt. Kenawy states that FBI agent Maureen Robinson was dispatched to investigate the incidents. Revere Police subsequently promised to place a surveillance camera, but didn't follow through.

Freedom Foundation's Pelletier contacted Revere Police Capt. Dennis Collyer, of the Criminal Investigation Division, in an attempt to persuasively reinforce that more needed to be done to resolve the crimes being committed, stating, "This is intolerable, not just for the Muslim community but for any community member. You're not doing anything to prevent this, you're waiting for something to happen; are you waiting for someone to get hurt?"

And yet again Sgt. Kenawy's vehicle was vandalized for the fourth time on March 11, 2005, as the rear driver's side window shattered with a rock.

Kenawy commented, "I take this as a message that this harassment will not stop."

Fuming, Sgt. Kenawy kept his kids from going to school and took his whole family to the Mayor's office, telling the Mayor that he and his family planned to live there. He also told the Mayor, "My children have questions. I want you to answer my little girl's questions for me. She's asking, why are people doing this to us?" He added, "What are you waiting for?"

Revere police finally assigned an officer to place a surveillance camera that is now recording the parked car 24 hours a day. There have been no further incidents to date. Asked if the installation of the surveillance camera satisfactorily resolved the issue, Sgt. Kenawy, replied, "I will never be satisfied until these criminals are punished by whatever the law decides." He added, "My sleep is disturbed. I wake up at night repeatedly to check up on the car."

Pelletier commented, "Silence perpetuates violence. Unless we advocate for the rights we deserve, we will continue to be treated as second-class citizens. With the support of the community, MAS Freedom Foundation Boston will be that voice."