August 1, 2006 Pre-Ramadhan Sale and August Wallpaper

Salaam 'alaikum. is happy to announce its Pre-Ramadhan Sale! Prices for all of our Sparkly tudungs have been cut by US$10 each. With Ramadhan starting next month, in late September (on or around the 23rd), insha'allah, many of us will be rather busy in preparing for Eid. Now is the best time to purchase one of the beautiful Sparkly tudungs, before you begin visiting family during the month of Shawwal.

The August wallpaper is also available for Mailing List Members. This month's picture is of Costus pulverulentus (and an ant). Sadly, we don't know what the common name of this plant is, but we do know that it's a perennial tropical herb distantly related to ginger. The photograph was taken here in Singapore, just outside the new National Library.

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