June 26, 2005


This was amusing in a perverse sort of way...when the Islam-hating, liberal-hating, xenophobic, ethnocentric redneck conservative spews forth her vitriol like a mad dog needing to be put down. :) From Nicholas Kristof's blog (post 839):

"Carol complains about my comment to Pakistanis, 'I understand your defensiveness, for we Americans feel the same about Guantanamo Bay and Abu Ghraib.' She adds:

'You are just another NYT insane liberal who equates panties-on-the-head and detainment of enemy combatants as brutality. You should be ashamed, but you and your newspaper are beyond shame.

'Don't you dare talk about "We Americans" - because if your ideology ever rules, Americans will all disappear from the face of the earth. Those animals detained at Guantanamo are as crazed with their islamic ideology as you are with your liberal ideology. But don't you dare use the word "We" Americans. Tell the truth. Say "We Communists" or "We politically correct Socialists". They will still behead you, along with me, as you and I are "We Infidels" to the Muslim world.'

"It’s striking how parallel Carol’s views are to the emails I get from Pakistanis who defend the gang-rape and abuse of Mukhtaran. In each case, it’s not really brutality but needs to be put into context, and any acknowledgment that one’s country can do wrong amounts to treachery. But if Pakistanis can be bold enough to acknowledge brutality and shortcomings, we should to [sic]."

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