November 7, 2008

Bedtime Music: Trio - Da Da Da

And now for something completely different. :)

In 1982, a small German band by the name of Trio recorded a song that became very popular for a brief time, but has continued to remain popular over the decades from its use as a cover song and in TV commercials. The song is most commonly known as "Da Da Da," although the full title is "Da da da, ich lieb dich nicht du liebst mich nicht aha aha aha", or Da Da Da, I Don't Love You, You Don't Love Me, Aha Aha Aha." The song peaked at #2 in Germany and the UK, and #3 in Canada.

In 1997, Volkswagen produced a commercial called Sunday Afternoon, which used
"Da Da Da" for its background music. This revived the song and led to a spurt of covers and parodies.

And then there's this very odd Pepsi commercial for the 2006 World Cup in Germany where a number of international soccer stars (David Beckham, Ronaldinho, Thierry Henry, etc.) are invited to "play for Pepsi" against a "team" of dancing men wearing lederhosen, all to the music of
"Da Da Da." Strange.

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