April 18, 2006

firaushah.com - the blog

This post is to let my readers know that I'm going to semi-discontinue one of my other blogs, Dunner's Learn About Islam. All of those posts (and their respective comments) have been imported into my new blog, firaushah.com - the blog, which is associated with the new Islamic online store Milady and I have been creating, firaushah.com. That blog will continue with the DLAI tradition of answering questions about Islam and trying to correct the many misconceptions people have about Islam and Muslims; however, I will also use that blog to let my customers know about new products that firaushah.com will be selling. The purpose of firaushah.com is to beautify Muslims, both internally and externally, insha'allah, and I think these two sides coming together will both fulfill firaushah.com's mission and benefit you, my readers.

In the meantime, I'm leaving DLAI up as it still gets a fair number of hits from people looking for information about Islam. However, firaushah.com - the blog will be getting all the new material, insha'allah. For those of you who have linked to DLAI (or would like to link to the new blog), the new URL is http://firaushah.com/blog/ .

1 comment:

Barb Ess said...

Yet another conspirator in the grand conspiracy to get me to update my blog links, I see...
